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Velvet Lullabies Page 6

  “Gian,” Lucian greeted.

  “So, I hear you’re engaged?”


  “Congratulations then.”

  History between the DelGado and Luchese family didn’t extend very far, but the DelGado’s were much easier to work with than Massimo or Vinny.

  Before his death, Carlo Luchese spoked exclusively to Angelo DeMarco. He insisted that if Massimo wanted business to continue between the two families then he would stay out of all conversations.

  It wasn’t a secret that the Luchese’s were not Massimo’s biggest fans.

  Since Angelo’s death, Gian had taken over all business deals between the two families.

  As far as Lucian could tell, Gian was a man of his word.

  “Please, sit.” Gian directed him to a secluded table, not that Gian’s club had a huge lunch crowd. Gian’s club was nicer than the average mafia owned bar. The brick walls were accented with lights, the floors were a fresh dark wood, the bar top was a modern sleek concrete. The whole place looked like it belonged in a magazine.

  “Nice place.” Lucian mused taking a seat in the booth Gian led him to.

  “Thanks. Grand opening is this weekend if you’re looking for something to do.” Gian smiled.

  “I’m sure Adelina and Gemma will be here?”

  Gian laughed. “Probably. I can’t seem to keep them out of my clubs. I guess better here than in somewhere else.”

  “I’ll be here then.”

  “Ah, a night out for the new couple?” Gian smirked.

  “Just keeping her safe.”

  “Mm-hmm. So, for what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked.

  “I need some info.”

  Gian nodded.

  “On this Irish problem. How did it start?”

  Gian sucked in a long breath. “You’re not going to like it.”

  “Didn’t figure I would.”

  “Well,” Gian began, “You know about Adelina and Theo?” Lucian nodded. He knew his new fiancé had previously been with the boss’s son.

  “Well, I only know rumors. Nobody has been able to get the full story, and of course, Theo and Angelo aren’t here to share their side.” He sighed before continuing. “So, I guess Addy goes over to Theo’s house, and they’re outside talking. Massimo and his wife are out, so it’s just them, and then the Irish soldiers come up and just start shooting.” Gian dips his head to chuckle.

  “What’s funny?”

  “I’ll get there.” He continues. “So, the Irish soldiers are shooting, and Theo and Addy duck into the house. Theo gets shot in the chest, just once. Somehow, Angelo gets over there, must’ve heard the gun shots. He gets shot thirteen times in the chest. Then, when it’s all over and Massimo gets backs and finds Addy beat up and bleeding on his floor with two dead bodies.”

  Lucian had seen the photos. Adelina was taken Providence General Hospital after having the shit beat out of her. Her arm was broken, body covered in cuts and bruises. She had lost a lot of blood from a cut on her ribcage. It looked like someone used her as a punching bag.

  “No Irish casualties?” Lucian asked.

  “Not a single one.”

  “And what about Adelina, does she remember what happened?”

  “She knew nothing.” Gian continued. “That’s what she kept telling us. She saw no one, knew nothing.” He sighed again. “We had nothing to go on for a while. But then, Massimo tells us that she remembers something, she told him it was the O’Connor boy. Niall’s son. Says he beat her and his boys killed her father and Theo.”

  “So, you killed him?” Lucian asked.

  “Vinny did. Went out to Boston and shot him. We buried our men and that was the end of it. But the Irish, they claim they never touched her let alone killed our men. They’ve been doing drive-bys as payback. They’ve killed ten guys so far.”

  “There are a lot of holes in this story, Gian.” Lucian leaned back in his seat and sighed.

  “I know that, but the only person who was there that night doesn’t have a clear story.”


  “Now, don’t get me wrong Luchese, I’d go to the grave for that girl, but I can’t get what really happened out of her.”

  “You think she’s lying?”

  “I think she’s hiding something. Why was the O’Conner boy there? Why start something with us now, what was the point? And even if there was some logic, why wouldn’t the Irish just rough them up and send them away? Why kill the underboss and the boss’s son?”

  “That’s a big statement to make.” Lucian agreed.

  “Yeah, but then why do it and then pretend you didn’t?”

  Gian was right, if they were going to make a kill that big, why not take all the glory for it?


  Lucian wasn’t normally one to sit around and tap his heels, but he had been sitting outside of the Brown University for over 30 minutes.

  “Any minute now.” He muttered, getting a snort from Nico who waited alongside him. He asked Nico to drive them tonight so he didn’t have to worry about parking or leaving Adelina alone. He doubted a Providence club opening was anything like a New York club opening, but nonetheless, he wanted to be safe.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone keep you waiting boss.” Nico chuckled.

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Adelina was the only one who could keep him waiting and get away with it. Anyone else, and Lucian would be long gone.

  When she finally emerged from the dorms with Gemma in tow she was wearing a skin-tight maroon sequin dress with sky high black heels. Her long brown waves fell effortlessly and her lips were painted a deep red. She stopped in front of him to ask: “How do I look?”

  “Absolutely stunning.”

  She blushed, a beautiful pink shade, and diverted her eyes. Behind her, Gemma gleamed.

  “Thank you, Lucian.” Gemma cooed as Nico helped her into the back of the escalade. “My work deserves to be appreciated.”

  He laughed deeply.

  “She’s my stylist.” Adelina told him smiling.

  “She’s hired indefinitely.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “But you’re always gorgeous.”

  There was that blush again.

  He could get used to seeing her like that.

  Gian’s club was packed when they arrived.

  “Drinks!” Gemma announced dragging Adelina with her to the bar.

  “You made it,” Gian appeared, drink in hand. “I’m assuming my sister and Addy are somewhere around here then?”

  Lucian smirked. “Yes, I believe your sister is plying my fiancé with tequila shots as we speak.” He gestured to the spot at the bar where the girls with taking shots and sucking on limes.

  “Sounds about right.” Gian chuckled. He led Lucian over to the bar where he flagged down a waitress for another round of Whiskey.

  “Fair warning, those two are trouble.” Gian said taking a long sip of the dark amber liquid. “Have been since we were kids.”

  “How long have you known Adelina?”

  “Her whole life.” Gian smiled. “My ma is friends with hers. Vinny was over at our house when she was born, and then my ma packed us all up to go to the hospital.” He took another sip of the whiskey. “We’ve had this little family of us kids since we were little. Theo, me, Vinny, Gio, and the girls. It’s always just been us against everything.” Gian chuckled again. “Sorry man, I’m reminiscing. Just ignore me.”

  “I get it.” Lucian sipped his own whiskey. “You’re family.”

  “This thing of ours.” Gian smiled. “Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s really good. Sometimes, not so much.” Gian polished off the whiskey. “Grab me if you need anything.” And he was off.

  Lucian was initiated into la cosa nostra, this thing of ours, when he was 17 but had been a part of the family long before he was a made man. He knew that this life brought pain. Friends were here one day and gone the next. He couldn’t count on one hand or even two how many friends he had
lost to this life. Providence was in pain. They were bleeding out.

  He would fix this.

  For Adelina, he would try.

  Lucian flagged down the bartender for another whiskey and look out onto the dance floor where Adelina and Gemma were dancing.

  He could watch Adelina dance all night.

  The next minutes happened so quick. One second he was watching Adelina shake in her mini dress and the next he was diving over to her and pushing her down while bullets pierced through the glass windows.

  “Stay down,” he whispered as he pulled her over toward the bar.

  Around them was chaos, patrons were running and mafioso had guns out, firing back.

  This was an attack.

  Lucian placed Adelina behind the bar, out of the chaos. “Stay here, bella.”

  Her face was worried, but there were no tears and her makeup was intact. She was strong.

  Lucian peaked around the bar and spotted a red head in a black sweatshirt coming in with a gun. He pulled out his pistol, aimed, and fired. One shot, and he was down. He moved on the next target, another black clad man with an automatic. Down.

  Across the club Gian was shooting with his own pistol. One by one the Irish men went down until they finally began to retreat.

  “We’re clear.” One of the men in the club called out. Lucian was pretty sure it was the younger DelGado, Gio.

  Patrons scurried out from under furniture, fleeing the scene. Lucian could already hear patrol sirens.

  “Come on, bella.” He pulled Adelina up from behind the bar. “We got to go, sweetheart.”

  He assessed her as he pulled her from her hiding spot behind the bar. Blood ran down her right leg over the top of her black stiletto. “What happened? He asked following the blood to the wound. There was a shard of glass stuck in her leg, not deep enough to kill her, but enough to make her bleed.

  Anger fired up in Lucian. He wanted to kill the man who made Adelina bleed.

  He swiftly lifted her into his arms to carry her out of the club.

  “I’m fine. Gemma?” she croaked.

  “I got her.” Gian said, appearing behind them. “Get out of here Luchese. No one wants to explain your presence.”

  “Got it.” Lucian typed a quick text to Nico and carried Adelina out of the now destroyed club.

  “Wait,” she tried to pull on his arm. “Lucian.”

  He looked down into her gassy brown eyes. “I know you’re scared, but I need you to be strong and let me get you out of here, okay?”

  She nodded silently and let Lucian carry her down the street away from the club where the Escalade was waiting.

  “Let’s go.” He told Nico as soon as he had Adelina in the back seat.

  Nico hit the gas immediately. “Brown?” he questioned.

  “No,” Lucian said, an arm wrapped around a shaking Adelina. “Let’s go back to my suite.”

  “You got it boss.”


  Adelina was still shaking when they arrived at the penthouse suite and Lucian anger was boiling over. He carried her into the large ensuite bathroom and set her down on the counter. He ran water in the large soaking tub before returning to her to remove her shoes and tend to the cut on her leg. It wasn’t anything serious, but Lucian was still pissed about it.

  Pissed that she was hurt on his watch.

  Pissed at himself for letting that happen.

  He was supposed to protect her. Keep her safe from all this violence, but how was he going to do that?

  He let her down tonight. She didn’t deserve this. She should be safe and protected. She should probably be with a normal man, out of the family. Someone who had a boring job, who owned a boring house, someone no one would ever go after. She’d be safe then.

  He should let her go he thought.

  Yeah, he should let her go.

  Then she would be safe.

  But he wasn’t strong enough to leave her behind, no, she was his.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked as he dabbed at the wound.

  “Self-pity, I guess. I’m pissed you got hurt.”

  “Hey, It’s just a cut Luc.” She smiled sincerely. “I’m okay.”

  He exhaled all the air he’d been holding in. Okay. She’s okay.

  “I know,” he rose from his kneeling position to press a gentle kiss to her lips. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” She smiled mischievously and then added: “Actually, if you really feel bad, I think I know a way you can make it up to me.”


  “Hmmhmm.” She looked at him needing.

  He didn’t need to be asked. He shut off the water quickly and scooped her up, carrying her over to the kinged sized bed.

  He laid her back on the bed and admired her beauty. Long slender legs, smooth to the touch, and her body still covered in the form fitting dress. She lifted herself to her knees, spinning around to have Lucian unzip her dress.

  Underneath she wore a black lace balconette bra and a matching black lace thong. The ensemble showed off her soft tanned skin. She turned back around to face him, showing off her breasts.

  She looked like sin and sweetness.

  He wanted every part of her.

  He leaned in to kiss her deeply, wrapping a hand around her to grab her ass and the other lifted to hold her head in place. Slowly he leaned her back on the bed.

  He kissed every inch of her. Her lips, neck, each collar bone. He trailed the kisses down her stomach until he reached her sweet spot. He sucked her clit gently through the thin fabric of her thong eliciting a moan from her painted red lips.

  He wanted to make her cum on his mouth first, and then he wanted her to take every inch of his cock.

  Using one hand to move the thong to the side and let the other soak up her juices before sliding a finger into her sex. Still, he lapped at her with his tongue taking all she had to give. When she was writhing under his mouth he added another finger.

  “Please,” she moaned. “Oh god, please.” She was practically shouting, but he didn’t give a fuck.

  “Say my name, bella.” He told her, picking up the pace with his fingers.

  “Lucian!” she shouted. “Please, god Lucian.”

  “That’s it, baby.” He sucked her tender clit while his fingers pumped into her and her orgasm crashed over her. Once her panting slowed he swiftly flipped her over and released his cock from his slacks.

  He slid a condom over length and coated it with the juices from her pussy.

  “You ready, babe?” He asked as he lined his cock up with her sex.

  “Mmhm.” She moaned. “Yes please.”

  He slid himself into the wet heaven that was between her thighs.

  “Damn, you feel so good.”

  She moaned in response.

  He sunk himself into her, over and over, listening to her cum on his cock until finally he found his own release.

  Yeah, Adelina was fucking heaven.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Here,” he slid the cold metal onto her left ring finger.

  “Like an engagement ring?” she asked leading him to laugh at her innocence.

  “No. It’s a promise ring, but one day I will marry you Adelina.” His hand brushed against her cheek and he leaned into kiss her.

  But what if I don’t want to marry you? She thought.


  There were going to be two engagement parties. Of course, because what family wouldn’t throw two huge parties before throwing, you know, a huge party. Adelina’s phone rang constantly with questions about what she wanted for the engagement parties, the wedding, and so on. In her mind, she wasn’t even engaged. She didn’t even have a ring on her finger. But to her crazy Italian family, she was as good as married now.

  “A crazy thing happened.” Gemma broke the wall of thoughts spiraling through Adelina’s mind.


  “Yeah, my mom sent me this.” Gemma held out her phone for Adelina to look at
the picture.


  “Shit.” She said out loud. “Gem,”

  “You’re having an engagement party and I found out through the invite?”

  Shit was right. She was a terrible friend.

  “It all happened really fast.”

  “I can tell.” Gemma’s face lifted with a light smile. “So, this is all very real, huh?


  “Are you feeling okay about it?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Adelina responded, sinking down on the floor in front of her bed. “Lucian seems okay.”

  “So, you like him?”

  Adelina nodded wordlessly.

  “And you’re going to marry him?”

  Her head moved up and down, confirming again.

  Gemma sank down beside her, throwing an arm over her friend’s shoulder. “Well, on the bright side at least he’s hotter than hell.”


  Gemma wasn’t wrong about Lucian’s good looks. The man was an Italian dream: tall, dark, and obscenely handsome. Right now, he was schmoozing every member of her family while she took to the couch to see how many glasses of wine she could down before anyone noticed, so far, she was already on her second glass.

  Tomorrow would be the first of the two engagement parties and Adelina was not particularly looking forward to either. This one was for the Providence family and next weekend they would fly to New York for that family.

  Tonight though, was just for the immediate families to meet. Lucian flew in early to pick her up from school, his parents were due to arrive any minute, and his brother would be here tomorrow.

  “What are you doing over here, bella?”

  “Thinking.” She replied lifting her wine glass to her lips.

  “And drinking?” he chuckled.

  “That too.”

  He shifted to the side to look her over, she felt hot under his gaze. “Tell me what you’re really thinking about?”

  “You.” She whispered. “Meeting your parents.”

  “They’ll love you.” He told her.

  “I’m sure they will. I’m very loveable.” Her painted dark red lips gave him a smirk.

  “That you are.” His lips gently brushed her cheek. “So, I have something for you.”