Velvet Lullabies Page 8
Then she looked up and there he was. In all of his black suited glory.
Lucian Luchese.
Chapter Fourteen
Four years at Columbia and never once did Lucian attend a party in the middle of the woods. Leave it to Adelina.
Thanks to his new connection with Joey, Lucian now knew Adelina’s plans even when she skipped out on her enforcers. Joey was still a smug, arrogant asshole but at least now he proved useful.
There was music coming from the woods, Lucian could hear it from the street he parked the car. The party was about a mile deep into the trees. He still couldn’t fathom why they did this, they were all old enough to drink without hiding in the forest, there was no logical reason that he could figure.
This was the kind of dumb thing that would get Adelina tracked down by the Irish.
When Lucian reached the party, he could finally see where the music was coming from: bubblegum’s guitar.
He could hear her voice before he saw her. She was singing a faster tune than she normally did, it was a duet with bubblegum.
There was a bonfire that the group was gathered around and in the middle of the woods with the fire and acoustic music Lucian couldn’t help but see the beauty in the setting. Or maybe it was just Adelina’s beauty.
She was leaning into bubblegum as she sang. It was a damn love song. Lucian had half the nerve to take out bubblegum right here, right now, but that would leave a lot of witnesses and a pissed fiancé.
That’s what she was to him, and damn, did he care about that title. For someone who had never entertained the thought of marriage, he felt damn protective of it now.
He moved closer, wanting Adelina to see him. She should be scared of him, scared of the thoughts that ran through his head, but damn that girl was anything but scared of him. She saw through everything.
She caught his eye just then and she sang the final note of the song. Bubblegum leaned in closer to her, pressing a slow kiss to her cheek.
Yeah, Lucian might risk killing him for that.
Adelina pushed him pack a little, whispering something before she stood up. Smart girl.
She walked straight to Lucian ignoring everyone in her path.
Bubblegum starting playing again, three new girls were crowded with him, taking turns singing verses of the new song.
“Am I in trouble?” She whispered the question right into ear.
Damn this girl.
“Should you be?” He retorted gazing down at her.
She smirked. “I did skip out on your goons.”
“That you did.” Roberto was going to be getting a new job because of her. Lucian would be sure to make sure it wasn’t a fun one.
“Didn’t tell you where I was going, but I guess that didn’t stop you from finding me.” Now she twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
Lucian could smell the alcohol on her breath. She was tipsy and the alcohol made her extra flirty.
“I’ll always find you, bella.”
She looked up at him, taking in his calm and cool expression. “I know.”
Damn. In that moment, he wanted her badly.
“I want to get you out of here, Bella.”
She smiled sensually at him. “One more song?”
She wanted to stay for one more song, as much as Lucian wanted to give her whatever she wanted, he also wanted to get her home and underneath him as fast as possible. She pouted her damn lips when he didn’t respond. They were hot pink tonight and the stood out in comparison to her black t-shirt dress and her normal pair of converse. Lucian was convinced Adelina could make a garbage bag look good.
“One more song.”
She beamed at his answer, and then she was gone. Back over to bubblegum, whispering something in his ear. He gave her a smile and began strumming his guitar again, the drummer followed along like he knew exactly where this was going.
The group was still scattered around the fire drinks in hand, focused on Adelina, she hummed as bubblegum played the opening notes.
She began singing, the song was faster than anything Lucian had heard her sing but it showcased her voice beautifully. She performed to the small crowd, eventually climbing onto the picnic table and dancing while she sang. She made eyes contact with Lucian as she belted the chorus.
She made her way off the picnic table and through the crowd, still singing.
She came closer and closer to him as she belted out the final lines of the song and the guitar faded out behind her.
Lucian felt like he was going to explode as she pressed herself up against him.
“Bella, we need to get out here.” He moaned into her ear.
“I think I’d like that.”
Adelina had barely taken one step inside his suite at the Four Seasons before he had her pressed against the wall. His lips pressed against hers, moving down her neck leaving a trail of sweet kisses.
She moaned in his ear as his hands snaked up her thighs under her dress.
“You want this baby?” he asked, hands caressing her tits over her lace bralette.
“Yes.” Her voice was a breathless whisper.
“Tell me.” He demanded as he pulled the t-shirt dress over her head.
“I want you Lucian.”
His name coming from those sweet, sweet lips was pure bliss.
He held her against the wall with one hand and used the other to remove the skimpy piece of lace covering her. Once the barrier was gone he stroked her folds.
“Yes,” she moaned. “Please.”
“That’s right, bella. Beg for me.”
She was puddle in his hands, grinding her pelvis against him for more friction.
Finally, he slipped his digits into her while his thumb stroked her clit. He eyes drifted closed and while her mouth opened, releasing the sweetest sounds.
“Eyes on me.” He told her. He eyes snapped open, meeting his gaze. “I want you to look at my while I get you there. I want you to know every second that it’s me giving you this pleasure. That only I can make you feel this good.”
She moaned against his lips as he kissed her. “I’m so close,” she breathed.
Lucian picked up the pace, sliding his fingers in and out, increasing the pressure on her clit until she melted in his arms. Her lips open shouting his name as became putty. She finished with a breathless whisper.
“We’re not done yet, bella.”
He guided her to the king bed in the suite laying her down on her back and spreading her legs. She writhed on the bed below him. “Please,” she moaned.
He stared down at her. “Gorgeous.”
He removed his shirt and his pants followed behind quickly.
“Please,” she begged again.
Lucian pressed his erection against her opening. Damn. This woman was going to be the death of him.
Slowly he pushed himself into the heaven between her thighs. She moaned as he thrusted deeper into her and her walls tightened around his cock.
“Yes, bella, give it to me.”
She cried out with another orgasm as Lucian continued to pound into her.
“Yes,” she cried, her arms wrapping around his torso, nails scratching down his back.
Lucian came and collapsed beside her on the bed.
Yeah, she was going to be the death of him.
Chapter Fifteen
She laid, wrapped in her pink sheets, not wanting to move.
The soreness between her thighs was unbearable, and there was nothing great about that.
She no longer believed anything that Gemma DelGado said.
She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry.
Finally, moving from her bed, leaving the red stains behind she glanced in the mirror.
There was a dark hand shaped mark on her right arm, it hurt when she ran her hand over it.
Fuck. She thought.
Soft silk sheets were swaddled around Adelina when she woke
up. There was nothing better than a fresh set of sheets with a high tread count. They even smelt like an ocean breeze, she thought inhaling.
Her eyes drifted open exposing the room around her. Lucian’s suite. The night before drifted back into her head as she began to feel the aching in her core.
Yeah, Lucian was pretty good.
However, he wasn’t lying next to her bed.
She wrapped the sheet around her naked body and padded out of the bedroom on her bare feet.
“Morning,” Lucian greeted, raising a glass of orange juice toward her.
“What time is it?” she asked rubbing a hand across her eyes.
“Nine a.m., bella.” He rounded the corner to press a kiss to her cheek.
“So early.” She groaned.
He chucked behind her, grabbing a covered plate from the cart in the entrance. “I thought you might think so. Here, I got you room service.” He sat the plate at the high-top table, removing the cover to reveal pancakes and bacon. “Eat up,” he told her. “We have a long day ahead of us.”
The long day he was referring to included flying to New York for the second engagement party. This time with his family.
She groaned. “Haven’t we had enough parties?”
He raised his eyebrow, “We haven’t even gotten to the big one yet, bella.”
“I know! That’s the problem. How many are we supposed to have?”
Lucian smirked, wrapping his arms around her body. “Just let them enjoy it, bella. Let the world celebrate our engagement.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine.”
“Don’t little girls dream about their wedding day?” Lucian asked.
“Not this little girl.” Adelina told him, shoving a bite of pancake into her mouth.
That was a good question. Because from a young age everyone told her she was going to be marrying Theo? Which wasn’t always a bad thing. There was a time when Theo was the light of her life and she was thrilled to grow old with him. He was her best friend.
“I don’t know.” Adelina shrugged. “It never seemed like my day. It was just a thing that Theo wanted.”
Lucian nodded. “I know, things have been a little… rough for you, but I want you to know that this is your day. You can have whatever you want, I will make it happen.”
Adelina pondered this thought for a minute. “So, if I wanted to ride down the aisle on a unicorn?”
Lucian smirked. “Would a horse with a fake horn work?”
“Hmm, I could probably make that compromise.”
“Consider it done then.”
“You know I’m kidding, right?”
“God, I hoped so.”
The Luchese estate was massive. Adelina was overwhelmed with the beauty of the place. A huge white house, sitting lakeside. The inside was covered in dark wood floors and bright white walls. It was the beachiest Mafia house Adelina had ever seen.
She loved it.
“You didn’t tell me,” she tugged on Lucian’s sleeve. “That we could have a house that wasn’t dark and dreary.”
Lucian looked her over with a smile, but the girl was dead serious.
“Baby, you can paint our house purple if it makes you happy. I don’t give a fuck as long as your living in it.”
Her cheeks turned a bright red at his statement. No one had ever talked to Adelina like that. It was always demands with Vinny and Massimo, do this, do that. With Theo, he had their whole life planned and she was just along for the ride.
But Lucian, he was constantly giving her choices, constantly asking her questions, valuing her opinion. And all she did was complain.
“Okay,” she whispered to his amusement.
“Adelina!” Anette cooed, embracing Adelina into a big hug. “I’m so happy you’re here!”
“Of course.”
“Come, come. Let me introduce you the ladies.”
Anette pulled her away from Lucian’s side to a group of women who had taken over a corner of the living room.
“Here’s the bride!” Anette shouting as they approached. “Adelina, this is Carlotta, Lucian’s Aunt, and her daughter Daniella.” Carlotta smiled brightly wrapping her arms around Adelina.
“Over here this is my friend, Ciri, she has two girls around here somewhere-” Anette looked around before spotting them. “There, Lila!”
“Lila,” Ciri called. “Come meet Adelina.”
A tall bottle blonde stepped up to her. “Lila,” she smiled, extending her hand.
“Addy,” Adelina shook it.
“My other daughter is around her somewhere,” Ciri said scanning the room. “Ely, I’ll find her for you.”
“Nice to meet you.” Adelina said putting on her best smile.
“Intimidating, huh?” Lila asked. “Meeting like fifty people at once.”
Adelina smiled, “Yeah, it’s a lot.”
“Just pinch me if you can’t remember a name or something. I’ll slip it to you.” Lila winked. “Us girls gotta stick together, right?”
“Right.” Adelina smiled, a little more genuine this time.
She was paraded around the room, introduced to people that she already could not remember. All of the five New York families were present, but she had yet to meet any of the men. Apparently, they were all holed up in Carlo’s office.
“Ma, can I steal my girl back now?” Lucian voice was a reprieve. Annette was great, sweet, kind, and nicer to Adelina than most people in Providence, but she was exhausting.
“Fine.” She pouted. “Just for a bit! I hardly get to see her.”
“You’ll get to see her all the time once she lives here. I promise you two will be sick of each other in no time.” He pecked her on the cheek.
Live here.
The words reverberated in Adelina’s head. It was October now, and by May she would no longer be in Providence, but instead in New York City. A place that she visited for the first time today.
Hours from her mom, from Gemma. She felt a little sick at the thought.
# # #
Adelina had been paraded around every corner of the Luchese estate. She had met every long-lost cousin and acquaintance there was. He feet ached in her Prada heels.
“One minute.” She mouthed to Annette as she slipped away. The outside was quiet. Adelina inhaled the cool October air. Everyone was being extremely nice to her, but the introvert in her just needed a break.
“It’s hard being paraded around like a princess huh?”
Her head whipped to the auburn haired, hassled eyed girl leaning against the side of the house. Clearly, she had forgot to check for anyone else before she walked outside.
“Yeah,” she said. “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
The girl took a long inhale from what looked to be a cigarette. Adelina sniffed the hair. Weed.
“It’s cool. Want some?” she offered the joint to Adelina.
“No thanks.”
“Princesses don’t smoke?”
“Something like that.” Adelina laughed.
“I’m Ely, by the way.”
“Adelina.” She replied.
“I figured. You know, since you’re the guest of honor.”
Adelina laughed. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So why are you hiding out here?”
Adelina took a seat in one of the plush outdoor chairs. “My feet hurt.” She told Ely with a laugh. “What about you?”
“My family.”
Adelina smiled, “I know that feeling.”
Ely put out the joint and sat down next to Adelina on one of the chairs. “So how does it work?” she asked. “This arranged marriage thing.”
Adelina shrugged. “Still figuring it out I guess.”
They were quiet for a moment.
“Have you met my wonderful sister?” Ely asked, sarcasm dripping from her words. “Lila.”
“Yeah,” Adelina smiled, “She’s very nice.”
Ely scoffed. “Pe
rfect, according to my parents.”
Adelina laughed. “How so?”
“She married the perfect man. Just like they wanted. Apparently, that’s all girls are good for these days.”
“I take it you don’t want to get married?”
“No.” She paused for a minute. “I don’t.”
“For me,” Adelina said, “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to get married, it was more that I didn’t want to lose my choice in the matter.”
“Yeah.” Ely nodded, “I think that’s it. So, what did you do?”
Adelina shrugged. “I guess Lucian gave me a choice, and that was what I really wanted.”
Ely laughed. “So, it just worked out?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Adelina smiled. “Sorry that’s not very helpful.”
“No, it is. Thanks.”
“So, who’s the prospect?” Adelina asked.
“Anyone and everyone.” Ely sighed. “I kind of, like, fucked up.”
Adelina waited a moment for her to elaborate.
“They had one arrangement and I ran away. I guess he’s pissed beyond belief and doesn’t want me anymore, which is honestly fine by me, but my father is livid.” She exhaled a long a breath. “Now I’m on house arrest, and apparently this is my one night of freedom.”
“Wow.” Adelina inhaled a sharp breath. “And I thought my life was bad.”
Ely burst into laughter, Adelina quickly following.
“What are you girls laughing about?” Enzo asked coming through the sliding glass doors with Lucian behind him.
“Our lives.” Ely smiled. “I should have known you would come to find me.”
Enzo chuckled. “I’ll always find you, Elle.”
“Come with me,” Lucian gestured to Adelina.
She following behind him, his arm slipping into her elbow as they walked.
“Lucian?” She asked as he guided her out to the patio.
“Uhm, where are we going to live?”
Lucian smiled down at her, and guided her over to the gazebo which was empty and slightly away from the party. “I have a condo, in the upper East Side. If you don’t like it though we can go somewhere else. Buy a house, yeah? Whatever you want.”